Thursday, April 19, 2007

Terms of Endearment

Dear Naar BEar:

I just wanted to let you know, that I forgot my cell phone today at home. I was rushing out of the house to try and get to work on time, and I left it on the charger. I didn't realize how fast the juice runs out when you call people and let the thing just ring and ring, then wait for a call back. So there it sits, still charging. Only T-Mobile know just how long it takes to refresh that battery. (sigh)

So, I just wanted to let you know that I would call you but I can't. I'm at work thinking to myself, now would be a good time to call my big sis, but I can't (Chuckle out loud). We could talk and laugh and I just can't. Since I can't call, I'll write. So here I am writing (big sigh). I guess I'd rather talk since I'm at work and filling out that grant application for my poor students just sounds so blah, ya know. So here I sit writing ( big big sigh).

I mean a good ol fashion letter is a thing of the past now that we have e-mail and cell phones, but my cell phone is charging right now, and I guess a letter was just the perfect way for me to say hey.

So HEy (another audible chuckle)!

Oh yeah, I read your blog, you're so silly. Only you could be so silly. I'd call to tell you that myself, but my cell phone is charging.

Hey, I know. I'll call you when I get home because then my cell might be fully charged and we can wear that thing down one more time. Then maybe I'll write you another letter. What a vicious cycle I'm creating (cackle)

I'll call you later.




Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Vicious cycle indeed.

JamaJama said...

wow. Two words. Therapy.