Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Baby has a name!

I've been waiting for Ava to show her personailty by naming and titling things; such as her toys. Everyone and thing has been titled or names accordingly, no surprises, momma, daddy, Gabey (sometimes brother). Water and milk are called what they are, and all her toys and games don't have any special names. I thought she was a legalist until she named her new favorite baby. His name is Jesus. Perhaps it's the season, or maybe it's because this baby is her favorite. Whatever the reason, she calls him Jesus, and whenever he cries (by pushing the button on his stomach) she coddles him and says, " oh baby Jesus is crying," or "Oh baby Jesus is sad,".


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Omg! That is so precious!

cowboy said...

That is great. Is this baby male or female?