Friday, February 02, 2007

Sea of white folks

Today was a tiring day. Not only did I not work, but I also attended my first ever professional development day. Instead of being professionally developed, I developed a professional complex. Not only am I no longer "whitey" in a sea of non whities, a tab bit odd really, but I am totally out of my element Donny!
Apparently I laugh too loud for these folks up here, they don't like my music, there is no slang in the work place, and I had to explain what "the 4-1-1" means not only to my foreign kids, but also to my fellow staff members! Ugh ( it mean what's the information ya'll)
I digress: At my Prof Development...
no one looked at me, no random acts of dancing occurred, no raising of the roof of any kind, nor
"girl how you been doin" shout-outs across the room were not present anywhere.
Everyone walked quietly along there merry ways and when they talked in groups I totally couldn't hear their conversations.
If people don't like me they sure are good at faking it, not cool! I'd rather know.
The great White transition has really affected me. Every day I get into my truck and rock out with RICHBOY "Just bought a Cadillac, Put's some D's on it" or may be a bit of Young Jeezy " And I love it" Some times to remind me of my hood I bounce with a little T.I. (he's my babies father) "I got my top laid back and my beat real low." too top it all off, "My babies father ," is not understood here either.

I just blended in here, I'm too fat to be hot, I'm too old to be hip, I'm now just another one of those folks that blends into the crowd with all the other tall short, thin, fat people who teach here.

So far my kids love me, the good news is none of them look like me, home sweet home. I teach ELL and most of my kids are from Micronesia (get a map and look all the way down to the right, past Australia), Russia, the Hispanics are representing, so are the Somalis with their headdresses. I have a few Iranians to stir into my multi-ethnic mix.
Love em as much as I do, it is a challenge to teach here in MO, but not because of the kids. The teachers have an heir of self importance and arrogance, they don't want to teach my kids because their foreign. I'm still a bit confused by this...
Any who...
Our church search is not going as well as I had hoped for. Church #1 had a laser light show during worship, if ever there was a moment where the Spirit was chased out of me, it happened when the laser flashed across my face in mid song.
Church #2 was going real strong until the Pastor started singing a Temptations song within his sermon, and at the end they had a spontaneous group jog around the church, most were in high heels and I couldn't keep up with them!
Church #3 is yet to be attended, you'll know when we have settled into a church...

I'm not complaining, life is really simple 15 minutes to work, Ava's school 1 mile from home, Gabe loves his school. Joe tore his Achilles Tendon, surgery on Thursday, recovery until July.
God is real good, life has just begun for us here and we're ready for the challenge.


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

At least your upperly mobile suburban church didn't put on a "Ghetto Jesus" rendition of the birth of Christ. I have never pictured the angel Gabriel as a 56 yr old man with white hair/beard dressed as a homeslice and rappin' the good news. Also, our chuch has a worship leader who competes with his backup singers and makes up words to songs, ruining the entire worship session. We just don't go anymore.

JamaJama said...

OMG. I sincerely feel your pain. A sea of whities. I live in St. Cloud. Bland, pablum, a huge bowl of cream of wheat, no brown sugur or cinnamon. Screamingly dull.Church search: North Suburbs of TW. Also sea of white, or I'm trying to be a celebrity preacher, follow me and you will be saved.
Welcome to the midwest. Good luck.

JADA said...

I knew you would miss ATL! But really there was no need to go anywhere, but here in ole- "white" cloud for a 'lil touch of culture!

cowboy said...

Good blog post. Life will be different in KC,MO.. You should be glad and gratefull for the time that you had in Atlanta,GA. Now, to put the good things you leared in Atlanta and mix this in with all the whities in KC will be the trick.

Lyz said...

I like this, La-Shay. Feels like I'm really listening to my good friend and not just reading some blog. Nothing like Fargo for whities, though. I enjoy my anonimity, for the most part. No cravings for fame like apparently the whole generation below us.