Friday, July 27, 2007

Missoura nature

The fam took a road trip last night, we like just driving, getting lost, and seeing what we can see. We had a lot of fun. We saw a cat with a rat in it's mouth, a oppossum struck dumb in the middle of the road, tons o deer and their babies, and a fox on the side of the road eating someting...
Fun times with the family. except for Joe makig Deliverance references the whole time, but I think most men are thinking that when ever they are quasi-lost in a woods like atmosphere late at night!


JamaJama said...

It is nice to explore... glad you finally were able to. Deliverance is still for some reason a disgusting film. Ponder this: Why don't rapes of women in films disgust us this much?Nonetheless...Dad saw that film for the first time most recently and has never looked at the woods the same way. He has however a yearning to take up the banjo.

JADA said...

That is call SB to talk to Vi, but not me!?! trips and you did not finish up in MN?
You should of kept on driving...
I miss you and your family. Are you going to come visit one more time before the summer is over?
I think you should!

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Gross. The thought of that movie is disturbing. It really ruins the idea of a mens' weekend out in the woods. I think that is the purpose the movie-demasulation of men.