Sunday, March 11, 2007


This is a blog a long time comin but AUnty Jada came to see us. She had so much fun with us. It was like having a second me around, but this me talked A WHOLE HECK OF ALOT! Anywho, it was good times. We went to historical downtown Parkville and shopped, I watched her shop on a time limit.
We cooked almost everynight.

We watched the kids do cute kid stuff.

They went outside to play in the MO snow and warmth.

We had a blast.


cowboy said...

what a chunk o fun. Ava always has a good smile on her face. She was probably very happy to see Jada and Shammai.

JADA said...

Yes, I visited Liberty, MO folks! It was something else- too! If Lasha and the rest of the Stew- crew had not moved there... I would have just drove on by to something a little more interesting! But there was nothing uninteresting then a day well spent at the Stew- Blue's house! Cuz we had a blast!