We had a wreck ladies and gents...We decided to go for an impromptu family outing and WAM (not the hit band) we were hit.
We had wrestled with the thought of staying over night at a hotel or something, but we decided to head back at night to save money.
The highways and biways are all 2 laners and we were driving along, singing, laughing having a gay ol time when Joe and I see the same thing. At an intersection we saw a truck stop, then hesitate to proceed, but went ahead with trying to cross the intersection. We were about 50 yards to the intersection, but at speeds over 60 that approached fast. Anywho, so after honking the horn the guy proceeds to pull out but swerves instead. Joe using his amazing defensive driving technique swirved to miss him/ have him hit us at a safer position (My door).
So as we swirved inbetween the oncoming car waiting to turn and the moron's truck I was thinking in slow motion, I'm gonna kill whoever this is, I'm going to kill...!
Crash... pull off to the side. Joe took a breath, I rolled up my sleeves, I was going to come out swinging, cursing, and assulting.
I checked on the babies, Ava was asleep, Gabe was scared but okay and Joe had already jumped out to check on driver dumby.
I have never been in an accident, but thank GOD above my first one was in the Dodge. Joe's manuevering had been perfect, the truck had hit us right in the impact zone. No air bags, and no injuries. It also drove us home safely, although it was a bit loud considering that the 2 side doors didn't close.
Back to my murderous moment. Joe was trying to calm the other driver down as I was shuttering, seething silently in a total rage beside Joe as I gave the evil eye to a stupid teenager who admitted that he saw us coming. He also stated that he though we had a stop sign, even though he probably should have known that we did not since he lived in the area.
Gabe and Ava began to cry shortly after I was spreading hate with my eyes and yelled at Joe to quit trying to calm the kid down. He should have felt bad. He could have really hurt us if Joe hadn't drove defensively. Joe tried to reason with crazy killer me, but I still feel the same way.
I did clam down when I realized that if I allowed my time bomb of rage to explode that I would appear crazy since the perfect moment to come out swinging had really passed a good hour prior to. The cop gave the driver dumby a ticket, I called out insurance, the kid pulled off hanging his head in shame and we drove off safely in our Dodge.
Driver dumby's fear of hurting pretty ladies like myself and innocent beautiful kids will keep him attentive for a real long time!
Needlesstosay this has not cost us a dime and the car is fully recovered, new DVD player still pending, and the side doors look better than before! Thank you GOD, thank you Joe, and thank you Dodge!