Saturday, May 27, 2006

Schools out for the SUMMER

Alice and I have a lot in common! Both of us think we are collegiate rock stars, and only one of us really is, we'll let the masses decide as to which should be though...
Although we're both happy that shcools out for the summer!

Wow this year has been long and arduous.
Here's my list of why the year was so long:
1Child got hit by bus and died at school
a. 1 co worker died, not on campus
b 3 parents died of either drugs, drug related or HIV deaths
2 Too mant kids came into 6th grade not having passed 5th grade.
3. No support from administration (had to get beyond creative)
4. Kids who would otherwise be labled as Mentally Handicapped were stuck in our classrooms and told were normal, they are not!
5. Made us work 40 extra hours before school year began and still have yet to see the money for it.
6. 100% Confidence with 100% incompetence, the new moto for our school

ALl this aside I could go on and get more peronal and add more proof as to why our public schools are failing, but I don't want to get fired, than call on the media to air my grievances to get a job again.

Let's focus on the beach.
Orange Beach Alabama here we come. White beaches, blue water and a really white man from the neck down is all I am going to see for the next week ... We haven't had a vacation in a long while and this is the only thing on our minds.


cowboy said...

orange beach. The Redneck Riviera.This is where one will find tatoos and mullet hair cuts along with white pasty bodies sporting cutoff t-shirts and this is just the women.I am glad to hear that you got thru another year at school. Take the summer and relax. Go to Minnesota see the relatives.That's what I would do if I were you

cowboy said...
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JamaJama said...

I agree with the guy posting called cowboy. the Trip to MN to see rellies is especially wise

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

I'd focus on spell check firts.

JADA said...

More news about your kids! Gosh can we see a picture at least- no verbiage needed!
p.s. Their names are Baby Ave and Gabe! You know who they are- live with them!