Monday, July 03, 2006

The fat photos have been removed!

yes my friends, to answer my own question, yes it is very necessary. And yes that is a large fat roll. Yes, my thigh is wider than my 5 year old's body. Yes, I did put on a bikini. But remarkably so, I was one of the thinner ones on the beach that day. It must have been the slim fast day at the beach outing!
So BFF from CA mailed me my birthday present, we both having had children share in the misfortune of other peoples' ability to get to their pre-pregnancy weight in a rapid time frame ie: her friend just had a baby and 2 weeks later is in her size 1-2 jeans. Hmm, tortuous really!
I however am still not back down to my size 6 pre-Gabe size. At one time I was a size 6 and then a 4, post Gabe, but now the thickness of the ATL has invaded my butt, doesn't look like it's going anywhere folks, and here's the reason why...
because I don't particually care.

Here is the benefit of working, living and worshiping with black people. The heavier I got,the more my students hugged me and told me how good I looked, when I stared to slim down they seemed disappointed. The adults like to compliment the robust booty and the flat stomache. Somehow I am an ideal shape for most, and my husband likes the native curves I have. I am multi-cultural hot right now. No J-lo or Beyonce, but I don't want to make people stumble. I just want to be happy, and oh I am.
White people may scoff, they may think I'm on the "fat" side but, oh to be comfortble in the skin I am in then to starve for attention. It is better to eat and live leisuerly in the comforts of my stretchy jeans, and my tight pants, then to sweat it out and atrve myself for a shape I will never achieve.
I may not be able to fit into my size six jeans, but that doesn't stop me from wearing them!
Here's to the thick and juicey everywhere, have another what-ever-it-is you're eating!
And I will take these photos down after a week, they're only for shock value.


JamaJama said...

well once again this is about me... not you. Note please: when you click on my blog from your blog you get my oldest entry. something wrong. fix it now or i nver speak to you again

Adriel and Joel said...

well, i love it.. i can't fit it to my pre-Gabe jeans either.. it must be an epidemic.

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

lookin good in the nieborhood!

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

lookin good in the nieborhood!

JS said...

Has it been a week yet? Seems like a year.