Monday, March 21, 2011

Stewart Cupcake wars






Naturally I won the cupcake war. The new Food network tv show inspired me to go hard for first place with my cupcake assistant, Ava, at my side and more excited that me for this competition. I will admit that I failed at the internal caramel melting, but soared at the presenatation of my hand made blue cream cheese frosting. Check out my swirl technique. Being the only contestant, I took first place!
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This is what keeps me busy all day long!




Brilliant Artists





My girls are so talented. They love to do things together. Anything creative they will tackle on 2 fronts. Clara dove right into the paints ankle deep and painted some Chinese character art. She then proceeded to paint her hair and with her socked feet and pant leg.
Ava on the other had, had a vision. She had just got a new library book and a particular picture inspired her. She opened to the page and she began to paint what she saw the character had already painted (look at the mouses painting). She makes my heart smile!
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Gwen got a new dishwasher at my house.

Gwen was so disgusted with our dishwasher that she went out and bought herself a new one. She was so ecstatic about washing all my dishes, I caught her sleeping next to it one morning. It was a bit awkward.
Truth be told, I didn't know you could drink out of a cup without food residue on it, and you really don't have to wash dishes before the machine does, it's extraordinary what new gadgets can do.
The dishes haven't been done since she left however, so they're really piling up. Gwen when you coming back to catch up on some dishwashin?
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Anika Elizabeth 4 weeks early

For those who didn't hear directly, Anika was born 4 weeks early on February 20th, 2011. I was totally shocked that she was wanting to show up so soon. I tried to convince her that I wasn't ready and neither was she, plus was going to make us miss church! She insisted.
So Voila, Anika came at 4:16 p.m. weighing in at 5.11 and 18 & 3/4 inches long. She was struggling with her breathing, so they had to taker her away from me for the first 24 hours. It was the strangest feeling to push out a kid and then have her taken away from me. The nurse saw that I was bothered by her quick departure, so she let me hold her for a few minutes. This is the picture if our first short minutes together.
She's four weeks old now and getting bigger every day. Thus far she is a pleasant baby to hang out with all day.
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