Monday, March 21, 2011

Anika Elizabeth 4 weeks early

For those who didn't hear directly, Anika was born 4 weeks early on February 20th, 2011. I was totally shocked that she was wanting to show up so soon. I tried to convince her that I wasn't ready and neither was she, plus was going to make us miss church! She insisted.
So Voila, Anika came at 4:16 p.m. weighing in at 5.11 and 18 & 3/4 inches long. She was struggling with her breathing, so they had to taker her away from me for the first 24 hours. It was the strangest feeling to push out a kid and then have her taken away from me. The nurse saw that I was bothered by her quick departure, so she let me hold her for a few minutes. This is the picture if our first short minutes together.
She's four weeks old now and getting bigger every day. Thus far she is a pleasant baby to hang out with all day.
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Lyz said...

Yeah, it's official. We should probably schedule some chat time.

Congrats on your trio of girls! Oh, the payback will be grand.:)

Lyz said...

But you ability to pick lovely, perfect names is impeccable!