Monday, January 12, 2009

Missouri Winter wonderland





Missouri Snow comes but a few times a year and did we participate in the coldness. Like all quality siblings they went out happy and giddy and AVa came in crying and cold from the snow Gabe tossed in her face, down her jacket and in her gloves. I giggles along with the memories of it all, and warmed Ava up, scolded Gabe out of necessity and sent em back out to play. They later made Percy the victim of their snow bal throwing and she came in full of snow dandruff.
A QUALITY MISSOURI SNOW if I've ever seen one!
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1 comment:

Jada said...

La-say, Hey why are you not blogging about King. I miss him- and I cannot even beleive it! Take a pic - and blog it- and take a pic of your belly too!!