Monday, August 20, 2007

Nasty Gram

Some times a nasty gram at work is totally necessary! In this case, it was CALLED FOR!
From LaShay

Dear Kate: Ashley has acted as finger pointeror and informed me that she thinks that you’re making instigateratory remarks that she is inflicting Minnesota harassment upon me. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I would just like to say that this situation is just like last night’s episode of THE HILL, on MTV at 9/10 p.m. central, where Lauryn and Heidi are fighting over a rumor that may or may not have started about Lauryn by way of Hiedi.
FIASCO fo sho!
I digress, I do not want any hateration or holleration up in this dancerie (Mary J. Blige circa 2005, NO Drama disc).
Holla if you hear me,

Still waiting for a response


Adriel and Joel said...

its "The Hills" not hill there are more than one

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

I am totally on the side of Lauren. Spencer is so gross.

JamaJama said...

No more pain. No more pain. No more drama in my life... I don't want to hurt no more.