Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I am so embarrassed!I thought I was being sneaky hiding out in my silver rental van and watching her from the tinted windows. She wouldn't return my phone calls for like 2 days... I was a bit peeved, but the alcohol really calmed my irrational emotions. Good thing I was parked, because by the time she got out of that store I was 2 sheets to the wind.
You're probably thinking, why are you stalking your sister? But the real question is, why not? WHo better ya know? I really didn't think she'd see me. When I'm at Target, I usually get stuck in that "Target vortex" and can't see anything but my tile, isle, and dollar signs. Oh well. The security gaurds were nice though, really understanding. The weirdest thing about the whole ordeal was she called me on her way home, so I stopped following her immediately and we had a wonderful conversation. The man costume must have really thrown her off my lead.

(folks, this is a total fabrication, but if you read her comment section I have you know I called the police on the gathering of suspected terrorists cuz mom was too scared so nice try jammajamma. Link)


Adriel and Joel said...

nice lash, at least you admit to the strange behaviour!!
thats the first step!!

JADA said...

That is cute. . . a stalker, who is related to the victim. NIIIIIIIIIIIce!

JamaJama said...

i was totally confused.