Thursday, June 15, 2006

Orange Beach Bama

Hey peeps,
Here is theevidence that we did in fact go on a vacation.
We were relaxed. We had a blast. A typical beach vacation. tons of sun, go carts, southerners, and shrimp.
I recommend this vacation spot, unless there is a hurrican/tropical storm. Our place was in between 2 bodies of water, the penninsula, and the gulf.
Vaca Happenings: Shark sitings, yikes! Early rises to the sun, hard beds, Go cart pile ups caused by Joe, Gabe driving a mni go cart and dominatong the track, NASCAR here we come. And the finale, Lasha getting sunburned, What? No!

Now the summer begins.
We shipped Gabe off to the Grand rents in MN. Wow, ma and pa Stewart are sturggling. OUr days are realtively quiet now. I hang out at Ava's daycare just to hear little minds rammble on for hours.
Ma Stewart is teaching summer school for five weeks, but only teaching 1 week out of those five. I will actually be mentoring 4 other adults in the room. Woh, someone get off the stress bar, I just can't take it! I will be working on the house and my tan in the mean time.
Pa stewart is still arresting bad boys and getting so much training he actually is working himself out of a job, his title Mr. Over-qualified! Teh feds better take him with all this training swimming around in his head. With his new surveilance class he has now learned to sodder mini mics and mini cameras. I will always feel watched!
enough enough of the updates,I'm starting to write my book, no better time than now right?
Also the Stewart Christmas card will be gracing your mail boxes shortly! No better time than now!


JamaJama said...

nice vacation photos. Looks like a great family vacation. Good for you guys. Ava's gorgeous, like her mom. thank for sharing.

Svoblogger said...

wow is Gabe getting old! Ava is adorable you have very beautiful children!

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Lasha, your kids are so beautiful! Not only does Ava sound like you, she looks like you. I am uber excited for Ava to meet GG so she realizes her inferority.

cowboy said...

The comments from Naar make me laugh. Nice photos at the beach. How come Gabe gots a life jacket on. That is kinda of nerd sign isn't it? You could put one on Joe and tell him it's a bullet proof vest.Lash you and Ava look lovely.Thanks for sharing