Monday, May 09, 2011

Satan's favorite toy


I kid you not, as cool as the whole idea of moon sand is, that's how Satan gets you with his crafty ideas and lies. His trick is too make it look really cool, and IT DOES! Moon sand looks cool and the minute you pull it out of the box your eyes go bug eyed for all its wonder! All the tricks, bells and whistles, the promises of creativity and a better life because you have moon sand in your house and all your friends envy you. They want moon sand too. BAM, next thing you know you're on your hands and knees weeping becuase all the fun and creativity has turned into a whole lot of "clean up". Pink sand is everywhere and now the mess is a 2 year old play ground.
Part of this story is metaphor the rest is literal. The worst part is, there's water bubbles spewing out the pink and purple sand and it jumps out the tiny sifter which only gathers so much sand. I am suppose to take this small sifter and pour it into a bottle that is too small to allow the sand in.
The worst part is before Ava and I played with this new set from her birthday, I gifted a bigger set to a friend just this weekend. I will have to call and apologize to the mom for giving the little girl such a devious and mean gift.

Oh, tricky Satan you got me again. I fell for your promises of grandure. They are nothing but lies.
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Lyz said...

Preach it, sister. I got Moon Sand for the kids a few years ago, and quickly realized that although it's like a combo of sand and playdough, it's a combo of the WORST properties of each. The sand is in baggies and may not come out for another few years.

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Omg-HATE this stuff!! But the kids LOVE it! Someone who claims to love us sent Emi this for her b-day. Um, what a freakin mess!! I still find pieces of it in our bamboo rug!