Monday, May 09, 2011

Britax: the newest edition to the family


I won't even tell you how much it costs (you'll BING it if you care), but this is the newest edition of my family. It carts the girls around effortlessly and I love it. I have named it Clyde (after the horses) and we find ourselves veturing the neighborhods more becuase of Clyde's greatness. JOb well done Stew! Thank you.
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1 comment:

jadajorai said...

There are tons of Britax. Maybe you didn't in your search, b/c you use BING! LOL Google told me that there are car seats and strollers! Not only that but a line for like everything...
Anyways details never hurt... And curious minds would like to know how many chillon' it holds??? HUH??? La- Shay!