Saturday, January 02, 2010

It's the final count down

People the end is near. I know that song is ringing in your ear... "It's the final count down" na na na... For those who had no clue, let me give you one. Joe has been gone since August. I didn't put him out, nor did he opt out. He's been in Brunswick GA training for his new job. HE WILL NOW RETURN IN 30 DAYS. If this is news to you, you're probably saying to yourself, "but didn't you just have a baby 7 months ago?" Yes, yes I did.
"Oh well good thing you stay home than."
I do not, I work. I still teach 6th graders all day, ones that don't speak English. And I hired a nanny, Nanny dawn to fill the morning voids! So now that you're all caught up...
The kids and I made a daddy count down calendar and we flip the new page each morning. It keeps us going.

I know that military wives do this all the time for much longer than I have or will have to, but nonetheless, I have been stretched beyond what I like. God's teaching me a few lessons through this. And I have kindly reminded HIM that I'm a bit to frazzled to reflect on any of it right now, but I bet the lesson is going to be really good when it sinks through my abnormally hard head! I'll be honest, the last half of Joe being gone is so much harder than the first.

It's just so dang lonely. I find myself chit chatting in the drive thru lines at McDonald's until we awkwardly sit in silence and I'm ask to drive off. I start random arguments with check out clerks just to have an adult conversation. And I find myself smiling needily at Walmart at other obviously single moms.
30 more days folks, and tomorrow it will be 29, and then the day after that it will be 28 and then the day after the next it will be 27 and then th......

1 comment:

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Will your constant calling and texting me stop once Joe comes back home?