Sunday, August 27, 2006

Stop! Pant thief!

Lasha's version:

It was the evening of August the 13th. All was well. We had arived safely at our GA home, when the revelation of one missing pair of pants struck us! The beloved pants. 1 of only 2 was gone. Would we ever see them again? Only time will tell. We miss the pants. The closet seems emptier now then ever before.

It's amazing that 1 wild night on a four wheeler can go so wrong as to take a pair of pants away, possibly 4 eva!

Joe's version:

On the night of August the 10th aproximately 8p.m. two individuals (1 5'7, the other 4'2) drove a four wheeler, belonging to D &J Hanson, deep into a swampy crevass. The individuals not aware of their immediate surroundings stayed in their undisclosed location for 2 hours awaiting thier rescue from the muck. Around approximately 10 p.m. a man (standing 6') drove a SUV, belonging to Enterprise, and drove only to find the undisclosed location of the 4 wheeler and two muddy individuals. After pulling the 2 individuals out of the swampy sink hole, all three returned to the Hanson residence steeped in thick mud residue. The Hanson kin then gave all involved parties clothes to wear for the night after a cleansing shower. All clothes were returned except for 1 pair of relaxed Old NAvy 33x32, faded blue pants. Although the pants were "flattering and had a perfet fit" to the muddy individual, the owner of the pants also valued the comfort fit of the Old Navy jeans. The pants have been missing in the presumed care of the 6 foot individual since 8/10/2006. If you have seen the pants, you are asked to call the missing pant hotline established at the Hanson home. The owner is gleefully awaiting a safe return of his pants.


Anonymous said...

Joe gave them to Josh cause he got muddy bailing them out!! Get them back! I have his number if you need it! :)

Adriel and Joel said...

we will email him or call him and tell him to mail them to you

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Dear La-Shay,
I think you can skip buying your weekely pack of Camels Lights for a pair of new Old Navy Jeans.
Love, Naarski

JamaJama said...

I might have the pants.... he he he he .... not telling you who this is...

JADA said...

He is so cute! I want HIM to walk me down the isle...
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Are not Old Navy jeans like $12 anyways?
p.s. A Levi jean never goes out of style...
P.S.S. They especially look good on people with Junk in their Trunk-Holla!

JamaJama said...

Could they be Gap Jeans? I have a stray pair here... no Old Navy's to be seen.