There is nothing like an organized vacation. everything has its place, everything has its purpose. We arrived in MO with order. All my dirty laundry was in a bag. That bag went swiftly into the laundry room. Before we sat down for pizza, naturally, I started the load of wash. Mentally high-fiving myself for the job well done I enjoyed my pizza.
The next morning I pulled out the wet laundry and discovered gel like balls on all the clothes. Thinking nothing of it I continued to load my dryer. I first discovered between some wet shirts a tore up walmart bag. Shaking my head for my silly over sight I continued to unload the clothes. Hey now what is this, stuffed between the bottom of the wet clothes pile I thought to myself as I lifted up a fully loaded and exploded diaper of Ani's. And as I look inside my entire washer it is slicked down with gel-like beads, bursting from the wash. Ah yes. My organization had a small glitch. A dirty diaper was in my dirty clothes bag, and why not? they both begin with the adjective "dirty", why wouldn't it be categorized together.
Hmm, why is the diaper in a bag? of course because all my poopy diapers go in a bag. Sigh...
Here was my thought process: 1- I could place all the clothes in the dryer with 10 dryer sheets to make sure the gel-like balls separate from the clothes and shake it all off when they are done. Ignoring the washed out poopy diaper all together or 2- shake the clothes out now, wash out the dryer and rewash the clothes.
I choose the latter, due to the preservation of my dryer. I did not want gel-like balls melted onto my dryer barrel.
I left the clothes in the dryer for another day hoping to ignore the potential problem and have new insight a day later.
No insight found.