Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Break dude!

It use to be Spring break was a big deal to me, now it just means one whole week of rushing to get something accomplished. This year it will Year of the errand! I've been waiting to do some things such as:
1.mail off some meat that was suppose to be a Christmas, present
2. hang a frame up on the wall completed
3 touch up some paint
4. sew a curtain
5 unsew a pair of pants
6. vacuume a room or two completed
7. wash a floor
8. put clothes away
9 write up directions for a Bible trivia game for Awana... completed
10.STop at the library for books on tape completed
11. return something
12. buy something
13. Work out
14. __________________ (space available for one more errand)
This spring break will be a good one, I can feel it. Lets hear it for Spring break year of the errand!


cowboy said...

You forgot to add: come and see grandpa Cowboy

Clint, Robyn, Lucas, and Chewy said...

wow! you can do all that in a week?!?! i'm on vacation for 4 weeks and am quite certain that my errands won't be completed!