Thursday, March 15, 2007

Awkward 101

It has actually happened folks!
I received a butt slap at work today. I'mm not sure what warrented it or how to explain it, except, I feel a bit dirty, way awkward!
The slap came from a 50 year old-menopausal fellow co-worker. We were just talking casual "co- worker talk", ya know "can't wait for the weekend", "Spring Break won't come soon enough", "I need to work out", "can't seem to shed the pounds..." I hand her a folder of a fun game I play with my kids to review vocab words, and she thanks me and as I turn to walk away, KAPOW, I recieve a butt slap, and the worst part is, it stung.
So I ask you, accident that I let go and just feel gross about? or Issue that needs to be address?
She is after all a close talker, merely inches from the ol eye balls.
Way friendly to everyone however, I don't get special attention.
I think I will wear a pillow in my pants tomorrow for the following reasons: A- so it doesn't sting if it happens again, b- so maybe I won't feel it at all if it happens again, as well as C- to commemorate JLo's birthday and attract more black men.
I'm going to shower now!


JS said...

I got two words for you... Potato Gun.

Lyz said...

Next time, back out of the room.

Miss Manners would say to dodge it, and then nicely say you have a large personal space that includes your bottom!

Lyz said...

Not to say that your bottom is large. Of course.

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

I really feel you were asking for it La-Shay. I mean, you really stick it out there. What do you expect?

JamaJama said...

Potato Gun?

JamaJama said...

I can think of a few situations where a butt slap is warranted. You just hit a home run, or made some other type of memorable play during sports. You just made a comment that was right on and were walking alongside someone who heartily agreed. This is more commonlly a high five, but a butt slap could be done in some circumstances. And, finally, when someone who is attracted to you secretly just can't contain themselves and wants a piece of you. Hmmm. In your case, I'd run.